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Company Profile

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Founded in 2nd December 2002, PT Bima Golden Powerindo provides a wide array portfolio of electrical energy solutions in the world of power generatorsPT Bima Golden Powerindo was founded on December 22nd 2002. Over the years, we provide variety electrical energy solutions of power generators.

We aim to involve in the business of power generators. With professional and comprehensive expertise, we commit to deliver premium value and services to our customers within engine management, maintenance management, and also goods and services procurement - particularly electrical equipment, diesel engine parts, and computer hardware for power generators.

PT Bima Golden Powerindo performs the highest standard and builds the tightest relationship with PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) – State Electricity Company. We work side by side to ensure we can achieve the 400MW (Megawatt) target. One of our exclusive projects is supplying 12.000KW of electrical power to PLTD Leung Bata, Banda Aceh, which operate in a superb condition. Another remarkable project is at PLTD Matekko, Makassar.

Nevertheless, our biggest focus is to place ourselves on a higher standard to create an enterprise with a strong reputation. With passion to pursue perfection based on the rules and policy of market orientation to provide a better quality. And with the support from our qualified and highly motivated team, we serve the best to build a good relationship with customer. Like our motto, "Energizing Your World".

Vision & Mission